When filing an employment claim, it is crucial to be certain that the attorney of your choice will be able to handle your case efficiently. Similarly, having certain information before starting the legal process can bring valuable advantages. If you are in the process of filing an employment law claim in California, these 6 frequently asked questions can help you understand what situation you may be facing.

How to choose a suitable lawyer for my case?

It is advisable to find an attorney whose expertise comes as close as possible to the problem you are facing. A late compensation attorney may have general knowledge, but if you are facing a late compensation case it will be more valuable to seek out a late compensation attorney.

Can I settle a labor lawsuit before trial?

Since the goal of employment law claims is often to obtain compensation for labor abuses, it is not uncommon to see an employer and their former employees reach satisfactory settlements before going to trial. For this to happen, it is necessary to have a lawyer who is competent in negotiations, as this will be able to ensure that your course of action (whether it requires a trial or not), leads to the compensation that your situation deserves.

What are the statute of limitations for a labor lawsuit?

The timeframes for filing a lawsuit will depend on the type of claim you are filing. Some cases have a limit of six months after your dismissal. Other statutes will allow for a longer period of time than that, ranging from one year to possibly three years.

It is important that no matter what type of claim you are filing, you contact an attorney as soon as possible. This way you can ensure that your claim is on time, and that you have some flexibility to deal with statutes and other factors. The sooner you can file your claim, the more likely the evidence you may need will be accessible.